Sunday, September 6, 2009

How can God love us if he allows all this suffering

 Many years ago, in a foreign country I really learned the love of God. During that time I was living in a small village just outside of a city. Once a week, I would come in town and meet with some friends and get some things done. As friends, we would go eat at a local diner.

 I still remember the first time I met that young boy. I don't know his name but his condition was so horrific that no man could not help but notice. His arms were deformed from the shoulders down. His hands looked like they had been tortured to a non-human form. His legs were just as bad. His face was so deformed that it made it almost impossible for him to speak properly.

  I first saw him dragging himself to the front entrance of the diner where we were going to eat. I couldn't help but notice him and I had a feeling neither could anyone else there. There was something within us all that wanted to reach out to him. But we didn't. We all sat there and ate. I watched out of the corner of my eye as person after person walked past him acting as if they could not see. Like they were so busy to notice, like he was invisible. All notice he was there. I sat in sham as I too did not extend my hand to him.

  One of my good friends, Hope is his last name, stood up with his meal walked out of the diner and sat next to him. The rest of us looked at each other and like sheep stood up to follow a good shepherd. We sat by the door eating with him. I gave my food to this man; but he fed me. I don't know how to explain it other than I felt full. Full of all that I needed to survive in this world.

   It was time for us to leave so we stood up and on his face was a beautiful smile. More beautiful than I had seen in my whole life. It was a smile of complete joy. We turned and jumped on a bus to go home. As we sat there on the bus. We all sat silently. I looked in the eyes of each of my friends. All were filled with tears. A feeling overcame me that must have overcame them. I bowed my head and thanked God for the experience. I felt these words that I'll never forget, "thank you, I love that man."

Many say, how can God love us if he allows all this suffering. I don't think words can answer that question but what I felt that day on that bus has answered it for me. He does. I know it.

1 comment:

WHITE OWL Sydna said...

What a beautiful story. I hope someone somewhere with the resources will help him someday fix his broken body so he can do for himself and feel good about himself. May a caring soul will set up trust fund for him so he can have a home and food when kind people don't come and share there meal.
It hurts us to know the suffering of others when we have no means to assist them. People often turn their head so they can not see and feel the pain and suffering so much greater than their own .
If one person would look every day and share time and a meal his life would improve so much. I can see why he was happy that so many of you sat with him and shared your meal. To feel loved and share our love is the greatest experience this life offers us.