Sunday, September 13, 2009

I learned what the Bible is not for...

 Let's face the truth. There are many different views on the Bible. So many, in fact, that it is almost impossible to determine who is right. Almost everyone has a good argument why their interpretation is right. Of course, I'm like everyone else and think my interpretation is right. One day, I learned a great lesson on how God thinks and how to use the Bible.
  At one point in my life, I lived in a very religious city. There were religions everywhere. Not only were the people religious but they loved to talk religion. I found myself talking with many pastors and clergyman. Almost always our conversations turned into arguments over doctrine. I began to notice that the same verses of scriptures were used against my religion with almost ever pastor. It was like they were reading a script. I was amazed, so I devised a cunning plan. I memorized the pattern, found all the scriptures that supported my position against that and attacked them back. Kind of a shock and awe tactic.
  Over the next few weeks, I became pretty good at Bible bashing. I convinced myself that it was okay because I was correcting the errors in other interpretations in the Bible. I thought, if they kept these errors and spread them further, they would erode God's word even further than it already has been eroded.  If they only could see the error in their doctrine, then they would join me "in truth." I don't like to brag but I was good. I was so good I sought out more victims to thrash. Even knocking on other religious leaders doors for the purpose of creating an argument.
  One day a friend of mine asked me to go visit with his friend who just returned from Bible school. I happily agreed. While we were visiting, this newly trained student began the usually scripture bashing routine. I played along for a few minutes. When he got to a very familiar passage, I took him to town showing him verse and verse where he was wrong. Not only where he was wrong but his whole faith was wrong.
 After a half an hour, I stopped I looked around and everyone's head was down. According to the world, I had won. He had nothing to come back with. At that moment, I felt horrible. I told him that I should go.
  We walked out into the night air. I didn't want to be around anyone. Something was eating me up. I needed to know what it was. I walked down a dark road praying. I asked, "Father why do I feel like this?" I then realized I must have done something terribly wrong. I asked God to forgive me for creating such a evil atmosphere in that man's home. After I asked, I felt words. I didn't hear a voice but it was like I did. The words were put directly into my mind. God said, "shame on you for using My word to destroy another man's faith in Me."
  I was shocked and awed. I saw all the timed I had used the Bible to win a verbal battle. It was never for the Lord it was for me to be "right." I learned that the Bible is meant to uplift and enlighten; not to prove others wrong. I know God loves me and forgives me of destroying other men's faith. I hope I never do it again.

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